My Work

Take a look at my own work here. I use various techniques. I create handformed objects, I work on the pottery wheel and I make work for outdoors.

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Hand-shaped objects

Hand formed refers to all objects created by sculpting. I work with all kinds of techniques such as building with coils, building from slabs of clay, setting up solid structures and hollowing out clay for sculptures. I choose the technique that is most suitable for creating a specific shape or statue.

Objects from the pottery wheel

I make the rotated objects on the pottery wheel or the turntable. It is a wonderful feeling to work with the soft clay. the results are consumer goods or free work. Consumer goods are cups, plates, bowls, vases, etc. The consumer goods are given their own character through design and glaze applications. The free work is based on a rotated object to which hand-form elements are added. The design can then be infinitely varied.

All objects are biscuit fired and then glazed. I make statues and objects for indoors and outdoors. So I fire them low (earthenware) and high (stoneware) in my electric oven. Low-fired work cannot withstand temperatures below freezing. It is therefore only suitable for indoor use. High-heat work can be left outside, even in wintertime.